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But you may access all the many past TeleClass Recordings here:

Audios/CDs of Past Tele-Classes


Divine Life Creation Mastery
& The Power of Joy - Life Empowerment
TeleClasses & Radio Shows

with ZaKaiRan

Empowering You to Easily and Gracefully
Embody your Divine Presence
& Create Heaven in your Life!

*Creation Alchemy: How To Create Heaven in your Life
*Divine Relationship: How To Create Heavenly Relationships
*Ascension Guidance, Activations, and Meditations:
Enlightening and Healing your Consciousness and Soul
*God-Presence Embodiment & Connection
*Ascended Master, Angelic, Family of Light Connections
Sonic Alchemy (Toning & Light Language)
Transmuting Energies and Activating Divine Consciousness
*Self Empowerment, Light-Body Activations...

What happens in ZaKaiRan's Divine Life Mastery TelePlayshops & Teleclasses?

TelePlayshops with me are extremely high in vibration!
They are a combination of guidance and meditations channeled from my God Presence from the 5th Dimension and above. They may also have information and guidance from my Soul, or me as the master that I currently am in a human body.

They are designed to Raise your Conscousness and put you in full contact with your God Presence and your Divine Power of Conscious Creation

All of the meditations are designed to accelerate your vibration, and facilitate "Presence", Center and Balance
to Consciously feel and experience your Divinity!

More Information about Divine Life Mastery Ascension TelePlayshops

Thank You for Joining with us in Divine Communion through
the Power of Joy - Divine Life Creation Mastery TelePlayshops and Blog Radio

Infinite Blessings on your Journey!


Please tell your friends
about these Powerful Events!

More Information

Divine Life Creation Mastery TeleClasses

with ZaKaiRan

Empowering You to Easily and Gracefully

Embody your Divine Presence and Create Heaven in your Life!

Imagine Being Free from your limiting beliefs,
programs, patterns and addictions,

to Easily and Gracefully Create the Prosperous and Miraculous Life you have always dreamed of !!!

Imagine Being Divinely Empowered
to manifest your heart dreams and embody your awesome magnificence!!!

Imagine Embodying 100% of your Divinity!!!

And experiencing divine bliss, centeredness, joy, fulfillment, love, abundance and empowerment –
every single day of your life!!!

This is not only possible, but gracefully obtained through simple practical meditations, decrees, activations and positive affirmations, lovingly guided by ZaKaiRan

Join ZaKaiRan and your family of Light to discover our true essence of unconditional Love and Divine Power. Experience the Transformation of your Consciousness to complete centeredness, openness and balance,

to Actively Create and Live Heaven on Earth!

We are all Powerful Creators of Reality!

We have created and are creating everything in our realities right now! As a human and a soul, you have created everything that has occurred in your life!

How am I creating reality? How and why have I created experiences in my life that I do not want? And why do similar unwanted experiences/realities keep manifesting over and over again? How come I seem to be controlled by my addictions and programs? How come I can’t seem to get clear from my ancestry and the pressures of family?

How can I create a more prosperous, joyful, graceful, blissful, divine life that I know is my birth-right!?

How can I manifest my divinity fully into my body? How can I create a deeper connection with my God Presence? How do I discover my true mission here on planet earth? How do I discover and activate my Essence and Divine Function - my Spiritual Mastery?

These sessions will be guided by ZaKaiRan, ZaKaiRan’s God Presence and the Ascended Masters.

We will also work/play (plork) in unison with our Spirits, the Elohim, the Angels, the Unified Field, Mother Gaia, the Divine Mother and Divine Father, and all the elements of creation to powerfully accelerate our creative abilities and divine alignment, to easily and gracefully create the life that we deserve and be the masters that we truly are.

Participants will be shown practical techniques of clearing and healing of their karmic patterns, addictions and sub-conscious programs, that are limiting their ability to create a more prosperous, joyful and Spirit filled life.
We will utilize divine invocations, decrees, Sonic Alchemy (Toning and Light Language), meditations, tools and inner technologies to Easily and Gracefully Embody our Magnificence and Create Heaven in our Lives!!!

Divine Life Mastery TeleClasses

These TeleClasses are designed and intended to accelerate your Ascension process and empower you to be a powerful manifestor in direct cooperation with your God Presence, the divine hierarchy and the Unified Field of Creation.

Many tools, invocations, meditations and guidance will be provided to assist you to embody more of your divinity and become proficient at utilizing these tools for your empowerment and the release and healing of limiting soul, genetic and subconscious blockages that might be hindering the flow of divinity and prosperity into your physical body and your life.

You will also be taught the use of Sonic Alchemy, Toning and Light Language, to clear patterns, energies and activate energies within you. (Probably the most accelerated Ascension tool in your toolkit).

Throughout the entire journey we will explore many aspects of the Ascension process including the various initiations that we encounter along the way, including Divine Relationship. More topics will be detailed on my website and in emails in the future.

Each conference will build upon the last, but each one will also be independent as each conference is channeled by my Divine Presence. Participants are urged to join as many conferences as possible to bless themselves with the accelerated group vibration and to receive the frequencies that will be provided by the Masters. But if you are unable to attend some of them personally, recordings will be available to be downloaded.

Thank You for Joining with us in Divine Communion through
Divine Life Mastery Ascension TelePlayshops

Infinite Blessings on your Journey!


Please tell your friends
about these Powerful Events!

MP3 CDs & Downloads of Past Classes

Other Payment Options

If you are unable or do not wish to use PayPal to pay for your products,

You may make a Direct deposit via internet banking, (please enquire about account details).

Postal money orders also accepted, payable to: ZaKaiRan SheeHan

You may also send payment via international direct deposit through internet banking, (please enquire about account details), a Bank Check (in Australian dollars), International Money Order or Western Union
, payable to: ZaKaiRan SheeHan

Payable to: ZaKaiRan SheeHan
7 Hakea Ct. Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Australia

Australia: 0422-996-731 / USA: 303-800-5371
International & Whatsapp: +61-2-422-996-731 / Skype: zakairansheehan

Contact ZaKaiRan

Exchange Rates

All Prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and are converted automatically to your local currency. To figure what a purchase will cost you in your national dollar, go here: Exchange Rate Calculator

Delivery Time
Please allow 5-10 days for domestic delivery. 10-14 days for international air. If there is going to be a delay because we are out of stock or out of town, you will be notified.
Thank you for your support and patience.


Thank You for Joining with us in Divine Communion through
Divine Life Mastery Ascension TeleClasses

Infinite Blessings on your Journey!



Flexible Financing and Scholarships available

If you would like to be able to join these teleclasses or recieve audios from the teleclasses and would like some flexible financing or you do not have the money to purchase one, please let me know and arrangements can be made for you or I can give you a scholarship.

Sponsors Welcome!

I often communicate with people who may find it difficult to purchase teleclases.
If you would like to sponsor the purchase of one or more teleclasses for these divine souls, you may pay using the normal links above and let me know of your intentions, or you may use the link below. You may do this anonymously, or be connected to the being that your sponsorship goes to.

Infinite blessings of divine prosperity, ZaKaiRan

from ZaKaiRan's Divine Life Mastery Tele-Classes


the comfort, the joy, the EASE
the Acceptance, the Strength,
the Power, the JOY
the balance of masculine and feminine
and For Creating the Space for Mastery
the Calling for the Highest Visions of Mastery ...

I am so deeply Grateful ZaKaiRan


Relationship Teleclass

Thanks for a great teleclass. I received some further insights... more awakenings for me, especially honouring where other souls are at in their journey and meeting them at that place. Afterall, we are all one. Have a wonderful evening! :-)

Much Love & Light, Angela :)

Hello Zakairan!
I'm Gabriela, … I've heard some of your teleclasses before, and It's an honor to meet you!

Thank you, from my heart, for sharing your love and wisdom. Thank you for your loving guidance and for making and helping me feel close to you and closer to the light!

Love and blessings,


Showers of Blessings and Thanks Beloved ZaKaiRan for the wonderful TeleClasses both this week and last week.May your week be filled with Sparkling Exuberant Joy and Light and All things Bright !!!

Love and Gratitude, Ascenta

Testimonial from 2012 Teleclass 7

Love – The Healing Force of Balance, Creation and Transformation

Dear Beloved Brother ZaKaiRan

my experience of the call was absolutely filled with feeling, mostly comprised of delight. Nearly the entire time, I felt a smile within myself, and noticed that I had one on my face. Sometimes I felt like, wow, can this be real, this is too good of a feeling. Your actual words were not necessarily new to me, but were always exactly the reminder that I needed to feel NOW, and were no longer words, but my reality. I felt myself to be a master, that loved this entire planet with heart and soul, with no reservations and no conditions, and with pure understanding and compassion for all things. And let me tell you, that was an incredible feeling, and is still with me today and onward.

What was a surprise to me also, was how much feeling was generated within me from both your light language and toning. I have been around light language before and never felt very much, so it surprised me how very much I loved it. This must be my language, I thought to myself. That lowest pitch of toning that you gave, almost blew me away. Well, actually, it did blow me away. I felt it literally run up my spine. And while it was happening I was simultaneously shocked and grateful. And I kind of am craving more of that, whatever it was. My ears also loved it. And several times during the course of things my body jerked around with unanticipated movements.

This morning when I awoke, the very first thing that came to my awareness was that I was moved to give and encompass love to this vicinity, where I am physically, and EXPAND. And that also felt like heaven.

So at this point of my writing I am actually reliving the experience and laughing with joy.

To sum it up...

That was some Trip, bro.

With All the Love in My Heart,

I Thank You, and

Recognize Who You Are.



Lana Ankatara

Testimonial from 2012 Teleclass 6

Thank you so much Beloved ZaKaiRan. This was a wonderfully powerful Teleclass. The Heavenly and Earthly support and connection was Amazing !!!!
Love and Blessings,

HOLA Amigo Querido,
I have a great and beautiful experience in the last teleclass!! I´m still having this vibration inside and feeling sometimes my MerKaBa
spinning, I hope you have a Great time in your journey with the Whales!! Enjoy and have much Fun!!
Thank You for everything, AMOR, LUZ Y BENDICIONES!!!!
Hasta pronto amigo...

Testimonial from 2012 Teleclass 4

Hehe well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tonights session was great it made me feel very divine afterward. That's the only way I could describe it. I felt very peaceful, powerful, graceful, Joyful. It was a combination of things that I think sound kinda like divine. It was cool. I am glad to lend my divine energies. I wish to make heaven on Earth and we are doing it. I don't know if it is something changing within me or what but right now and a few hours earlier I felt weird. Especially now. I cant really explain it. It kinda feels like I'm being met with resistance within me. I was talking to my friend and really feelin like I want to talk to someone and I was telling her that I feel weird and stuff and she said I should pray about it and I agreed. So I sent myself some Light and almost immediately after that I felt different. Still weird just different. And I felt like crying and some tears came out. I feel as if I changed in an instant. It's a weird feeling I have right now. I feel even different now from then. It's very odd. I just wish to make this transition easy and graceful. Thanks for always letting me take part in your cocreative sessions. It means a great deal to me. I just can't wait for the Ascension. Too bad we can't time travel! Heh. Take care my friend. Much Love and Light and Blessings.

Testimonial from 2012 Teleclass 3

Hey man what's up? That teleclass was the shit! I thought it was awesome I'm pretty sure you and everyone heard me laughing at the end with the peace and joy energy. That's what I felt it as. I know we created heaven on earth. Atleast in my life for a moment in time. And that seems pretty amazing to me. I felt so happy!! I couldn't stop laughing! It was beautiful. It was crazy earlier, it reminded me of you, I was here with good friend of mine, I care for her dearly and was trying to tell her how I feel about her and when I was telling her I really felt like I was in someone sea body. That's the best way I could describe it. It was crazy but really cool. I'm sorry if I am bothering you or taking up your time. I jsu would really like to get to know you and know you for you. You are a great friend to me and you are my brother in this lifetime and all the rest. You have helped me so much and given me so much and I am very thankful. I look forward to future co creation sessions. To make this earth a heaven. Then the galaxy and all the universes! Let us bask in glory, beauty, and love we are and let it shine through us for eternity.

Much Love and Light,


Greetings Zakairan,
Again and again... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
It was so beautiful the conference yesterday, we are living totally in a diferent Earth today, sharing our energies all and felling in a phone!!! It´s amazing!! We don´t know anything about each other and all the love we can feel, IT IS REAL, LOVE AND JOY AND GRATITUDE AND COMPASSION, DIVINE GOD PRESENCE, REAL. Thank you so much for sharing.
I was dreaming all night with spheres with diferent colors, something like psicodelic, jumping and playing, and my SELF told me that I was integrating all this. Your energy was there it was a golden-blue sphere.
I´m sensitive in dreams.
Blessings, Love and Joy...

2012 –The Wake Up Call – Teleconference - 9-8-10

Hi Zakairan,

Just wanted to send you a big cyber hug and let you know how wonderful today's teleconference was - WOW! Awesome energy is still blazing through my body/s!

You're such an inspiration - I'll be telling lots of my friends to tune in to your other teleconferences for sure.

Lots of love and light to you brother,

Mia Kara Mor xxxooo


Dearest Zaikaran:
Thank You so much, from my heart!! Of the teleclass yesterday, it was so beautiful and once more I´m amaze of the conectedness of everyone no matter where we are or who are we playing to be, it´s like no time no space only Now, feeling the Presence!! Wow!!! So beautiful!!!
I want to tell you about a dream I had last night, after the teleclass: I was within an energy, like a fog, in a color golden/orange, and I was like swiming or floating, in this energy, so happy, so peaceful, so funny... I was chating with my Higher Self, or an aspect of me, and was telling me to use the magic that is within me, that I have to use it because that is how I´m gonna help others, and sudenly The Self said that there was You!! Zaikaran, and your energy was in that Now moment, telling me the same thing that Self said: Use your magic, you have it, allow it and use it for you and everyone it is Now the moment, you were so bright and so full of Love!!! and I start laughing and joyful to feel you, swiming in this energy...
Just sharing with you, and saying Thank You again...
Love and blessings...

Prosperity Now Conference Call

Hi ZaiKaiRan,

Thank you soooo much for the teleconference. It was my first one.

My chest feels heaps lighter, my head isn’t as thick and my body / energy feels heaps lighter as well.
Prior to starting, my chest felt really tight like someone was sitting on it. My ‘Cold’ had been building this week, I think it was all coming to the surface for today. My voice was even going. I can at least be heard now, so I have some volume back. Lol.

I thought, when you post the recording, when I’ve listened / done it for the third time, I will be all cleaned / new, and ready to start my new now.
That’s what I kept getting from Ishtar anyway – on the third completion – it will be all cleared. Lol.

I just had to let you know that there was some pretty major energy shifts in my dis-ease that I have at the moment.
I had put the phone on mute (so you wouldn’t hear me coughing and spluttering) – then at the end – I don’t think it came off mute, so you probably didn’t hear me say thank you and goodbye.

Anyway, till next time.



Thank you for the abundance healing the other day. I was warmed by the feeling that for you healing is a gift, you love, your life purpose. Thank u for inspiring me. I believe healing works. By chance im now reading 'the richest man in babylon'. I look forward to noticing what else falls in my lap. Loving you star brother. Good work.. how do i get an audio? Lotah


Hey I really enjoyed the divine meeting we had with our family. I felt
very connected with everyone and truly felt the difference we are
making in all our lives. If you ever have anymore of those I would
love to attend. It worked well for me because it was free and it was
nice to know how many more people have the same feelings and
intentions. …And even though I don't know you
well I feel as if you are one of my best friends. I'm sure in one of
our other lives we have been great friends. It's good to know you in
this life, Brother. Much Love and Light. Infinate blessings.

Your dear friend, Ethan

Hi ZakaiRan,
Many , many Thanks for a wonderful Teleseminar. Loved the Group Merkaba synergy. So powerfully!! Looking forward to more events like this.
Loving Blessings,


dear Zaikaran:
I´m looking for some words to tell you, but I don´t have any, only THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU...
I can feel really from my heart "we are ALL ONE" and so much LOVE.
Beautiful conference call.
Love on U and All!!!
Ma. Fer (Mexico City)


LOVED the call!
Delightful to hear you in all your splendour encouraging all of us to live ours!

Dear ZaKaiRan,

Thank you for this very powerful experience. i am sending your link to some friends. i have been reconnected to grace...... a very humbling yet joyous state.


Aloha ZaKaiRan!

Hey! I was unable to attend your teleconference becuz I was attending a Natural Horsemanship Seminar........However....I did listen to it yesterday...............WOW! Thanks! I LOVED IT! I am most grateful to you! I was chuckling away listening to you laughing and hooting and hollering for JOY! JOY! JOY! Happy! Happy! Happy! It sure feels nice being a millionaire, huh! La..la....la...la! Skippety-doo-da!

I Love You! Amayziah kiss.......

the divine life mastery was amazing thanks for that
xxx Kat

Dear Beloved Zakairan,

Thank you for the Precious, wonderful moment you gave us. It was a beautiful gift for our family. From the deepest rejoicing of our soul, we bless you now. It is not always that we get to talk and meditate with a wonderful being as yourself. What wonderment we all allowed to happen! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

John, Premlatha and children (Samuel and Sally)
Dear Zakairan--
The class was deep permission to be the divine and Expansive Beings that we are in truth- and you hold the GREATNESS and allowing... Blessings Sue



Thank you for yesterday's T/C - woke up about 2.30 am with gigantic sighs and tears - so massive amounts of releasing took place from the processes. Whackee Doo!

Blessings and Happy Easter


! FREE !
2012 The Ascension Teleclasses with ZaKaiRan

Next Teleclass: Quantum Ascension!

The Journey of Ascension through Divine Meditation Continues

Tues July 26 (Aus/NZ/South Pacific/Asia) / Mon July 25 (USA/Can/Mexico)





































2012 – The Ascension
FREE TeleClasses with ZaKaiRan

How to Powerfully Create Heaven in your Life
& Co-Create Heaven on Earth!

Are you ready for 2012?

* Do you have the tools you need, the willingness and commitment to empower yourself to Create Heaven in your Life and Co-Create Heaven on Earth?

* Do you know how to Heal your Karma?

* Do you know how to create harmony, balance and Beautiful Loving Divine Relationships in your life?

* Do you believe in yourself and your Mastery? Are you able to recognize and Honor your Divine Magnificence?

In this Teleclass series, I will show you how to heal your karma and your soul aspects; I will show you how to create harmony, balance and Beautiful Loving Divine Relationships in your life! I will show you how to build confidence in your mastery and generate abundance for you and your family; I will show you how to create peace, joy and fulfillment in your life and how to become an Empowered Creator of divinity, truth, love and joy!

2012 – The Ascension Teleclass #12

Quantum Ascension!

FREE Teleclass with ZaKaiRan

The Journey of Ascension through Divine Meditation Continues

Tuesday July 26 (Aus) / Monday July 25 (USA)

In this series of Ascension Teleclasses, you will receive amazing profound meditations given with ‘frequency’ from my God Presence that will help you anchor and ground your pillar of light, open, expand and anchor your Antakarana; open your chakras; open and expand your 3 fold flame; connect with and anchor your divine presence; open to the Ascended Masters and Angelic realms and other divine support - to help you experience your divinity in a profound way so that you are able to stay balanced, centered and empowered on a daily basis to create heaven in your life and be able to easily and gracefully co-create heaven on earth as an empowered harmonizer amongst the chaos of the matrix. You will also learn how to be a master of channeling divine frequency, the energies that will sustain you as a divine master of Love and Light and provide for you spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health.

If you would like to become an empowered harmonizer and connect with your Divine Presence in a profound way, then please join ZaKaiRan and the Family of Light for these Transformational Teleclasses.

Click me to register for this FREE Teleclass

After you have sent me an email to register for this Teleclass, you will be given the local phone number for your area and log in details to join the call. Phone numbers are also below.

I highly recommend joining this conference call live to obtain the benefit of the group vibration and the energy transmissions of presence that are given for your empowered creation, but if you are unable to attend this event live, this call will be recorded and you will be sent a link to download the audio to experience the teleclass at your leisure.

This Transformational Event will last approximately 1.5 hours

I am sorry Europe and other countries if this teleclass is a bad time for you, but you are welcome to still register and recieve the audio download, which is still very powerful.

Dates and Times for your Location

Australia/NZ/Asia/South Pacific - Tuesday July 12
Sydney 11 AM / Perth 9 AM / New Zealand - 1PM
China/Hong Kong/Malaysia/Singapore - 9AM
India - Delhi 6:30 AM / Japan - 10AM / Moscow - 5AM

USA/Canada/Mexico/Central/South America - Monday July 11
Western 6PM, Mountain 7pm, Central 8pm, Eastern 9pm
Hawaii 2 PM / Mexico 8pm / Venezuela - 8:30PM / Brazil - 10 PM
London – 2am / Paris/Budapest - 3am / Cape Town – 3am

For other Countries, Times, go here

join ZaKaiRan and the Family of Light for this 2012 Mergency Teleclass!

Co-Create Heaven on Earth!!!

Thank you for forwarding this to your friends!

www.EarthAscensionTimes.com - A Transformational Space of Love Light and Laughter - Featuring the Divine Human Insights of ZaKaiRan, (an Inscending Master of Quantum Frivolic Profundity) plus a plethora of other wonderful Ascension Materials from other Masters and Fun Cosmic Cookies

Future TeleClasses
To be kept up to date for future Teleclasses, please become a subscriber!

The 7 Master Keys of Creation - based on my book

The Seven Master Keys of Creation
The Seven Rays
of God-Goddess-Christ Consciousness

An Elohim Manifestation, Healing & Ascension Program

By ZaKaiRan

Aligning you to the Process of Manifestation & Creation the 7 Steps followed by the Seven Mighty Elohim, (The Creator Gods-Goddesses), for the Creation of all Life

Also Mastering the Seven Rays & the Power of Decree

For your Graceful and Easy Ascension, & ability to Consciously Create Heaven in your Life & Co-Create Heaven on Earth!

Immortality and Health
How can I support myself to experience physical, emotional, mental and spiritual WHealth (Wealth/Health)?


Conference Call numbers

Below are the various numbers to use to access the conference call, depending on where you live, use the nearest number. After you have registered for the Teleclass, you will be sent the Participants PIN number to access the call. __________________________________________________________

Conference Call Numbers

Australian Capital Territory - Canberra - 02 6108 4316
New South Wales - Newcastle - 02 4013 4043
New South Wales - Sydney - 02 9037 2747
Northern Territory - Alice Springs - 08 8921 4109
Northern Territory - Darwin - 08 8986 7038
Queensland - Brisbane - 07 3123 5124
South Australia - Adelaide - 08 7123 2361
Tasmania - Launceston - 03 6349 1222
Victoria - Melbourne - 03 9001 6668
Western Australia - Perth - 08 6365 4490
* Sorry beloveds, only 1 participant from each of these countries marked with a star *

Austria - 072 088 0009
Bahrain - 1619 9041
Belgium - Brussels - 02 808 0369
Brazil - Sao Paulo - 11 3323 2331
Bulgaria - Sofia - 02 491 7031

Calgary 1 403 775 1284 Edmonton 1 780 669 5289
Halifax 1 902 982 3028 Montreal 1 514 667 0321
Ottawa 1 613 686 3845 Quebec City 1 418 907 2242
St. John's 1 709 757 5710 Toronto 1 416 800 1274
Vancouver 1 604 484 1683 Winnipeg 1 204 272 2356

Chile* - Santiago de Chile - 2 495 8491
Croatia - Zagreb - 017 776 113
Cyprus* - Nicosia - 22 022 684
Czech Republic - Prague - 2 4601 9210
Denmark 77 34 57 09
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo de Guzmán 809 182 99513038
El Salvador - 2113 1752
Estonia - 668 1329
Finland - Helsinki - 09 4259 8663
France - Paris - 01 76 60 71 86
Germany - Frankfurt - 069 71 044 5674
Greece - Athens - 211 176 8240
Guatemala* - Guatemala City - 2 353 3155
Hungary*- Budapest - 06 1 999 4921
Ireland - Cork 021 234 9917 - Dublin - 015 262 852
Israel - Tel Aviv - 03 915 5823
Italy - Rome - 06 99 268 290
Japan - Tokyo - 03 4520 9471
Latvia - Riga - 8 676 61099
Lithuania - Vilnius - 052 66 58 12
Luxembourg - 2020 2414
Mexico - Mexico City - 01 55 2789 5465
Netherlands - Amsterdam - 020 262 9645
New Zealand - Auckland - 09 909 7814 - Wellington - 04 974 9405
Norway - Oslo - 2 154 7857
Pakistan* - Karachi - 0217 019 179
Peru - Lima - 017 085 313
Poland - Warsaw - 022 398 8490
Puerto Rico - San Juan - 1 787 905 7171
Romania - Botosani - 031 810 7968
Singapore - 3103 1023
Slovakia - Bratislava - 02 3300 6537
Slovenia - Ljubljana - 016 002 714
South Africa - Pretoria - 087 550 0378
Spain - Madrid - 911 876 433
Sweden - Stockholm - 08 4030 9923
Switzerland - Zürich - 043 500 4156
UK: London - 020 7990 0700

Atlanta - 1 678 954 0539
Baltimore - 1 443 692 1837
Boston - 1 617 334 7122
Chicago - 1 312 253 4866
Cleveland - 1 216 744 1000
Dallas - 1 214 377 1210
Denver - 1 303 330 0432
Detroit - 1 313 879 6548
Houston - 1 713 366 8100
Los Angeles - 1 213 221 3529
Miami - 1 305 808 3277
Minneapolis - 1 612 844 0008
New York - 1 917 464 3045
Philadelphia - 1 215 207 0230
Phoenix - 1 602 354 9200
Pittsburgh - 1 412 360 7848
Portland - 1 503 206 0211
Saint Louis - 1 314 244 3579
San Diego - 1 619 330 9637
San Francisco - 1 415 422 9300
San Jose - 1 408 531 6619
Seattle - 1 206 691 8202
Tampa - 1 813 864 6296
Washington - 1 202 379 1388