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No disease can exist in an Oxygen Rich Environment!

(28% Sodium Chlorite)

"MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)"

as coined by Jim Humble


"Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen"


NACLO2 is a powerful detoxifier!

And can assist you greatly to boost your immune system by ridding yourself of pathogens that are putting a strain on your health

Oxidation & Oxygen - How does NACLO2 work?

Oxygen keeps you alive because it oxidizes things in your body. Oxidation consists of the oxygen atom accepting electrons, which destroys poisons and neutralizes chemicals and releases heat energy.

Sodium chlorite (Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen) is highly alkaline, when it is neutralized by something acidic, it becomes unstable and begins to release chlorine dioxide, (that’s one atom of chlorine and two atoms of oxygen).

When a chlorine dioxide ion meets a pathogen it accepts five electrons of charge and instantaneously results in an instant oxidization, which is basically a mini explosion, (chemical reaction). The result of this “explosion” is that the chlorine ion is completely neutralized and so are any pathogens in your body.

So the combination of chlorine and oxygen, in the form of a chlorine dioxide ion has the powerful ability to oxidize pathogens, even more than oxygen. (Paraphrased information in this paragraph courtesy of Jim Humble    

For a free Ebook about NACLO2 aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)

NACLO2 (28% sodium chlorite)

NACLO2 is a liquid concentrate of stabilized electrolytes of oxygen, based on Sodium Chlorite (Na = sodium), CL = Chlorine, 02 = Oxygen), which is made available to the body, in molecular form when ingested. These electrolytes are very alkaline (with a pH of 12 to 13) and stable until diluted in water. When diluted in water the ph drops from 12 to about 8.6 causing the separation of chlorite ions and stabilized oxygen molecules from the sodium atoms. Tiny amounts of chlorine dioxide are also released. This reaction destroys microbes in the water (therefore NACLO would be good to carry when travelling overseas). Ten drops in 8oz. of water can kill Giardia Lamblia in 2.5 minutes.

Then, after ingestion, when the diluted NACLO2 (ph 8.6) encounters stomach acid (ph 3) an even stronger reaction occurs and it generates more molecular oxygen, more chlorite ions and more chlorine dioxide.

When this occurs, the result is the release of an abundance of molecular oxygen into the bloodstream, carried by the two most abundant and important electrolytes of body fluid: sodium and chlorine.

Another added benefit is the production of the specific "oxidisers" of chlorite and chlorine dioxide which destroy viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Laboratory tests have found that NACLO2 destroys a large range of pathogens including salmonella, cholera, giardia lamblia, etc.

In addition, NACLO2 actually stimulates the growth and development of the normal flora in internal organs, since they require and thrive on oxygen," i.e. lactobacillus, acidophilus, bifidus.

Subsequent reactions produce a form of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide), which is perfect for the body in that it has the correct polarity and electron spin. It puts oxygen into the blood and cannot overoxidize the cells because the iron atoms on the red blood cells can only release the amount of oxygen which the cells can use. So, not only is there an abundance of oxygen absorbed into the bloodstream, but you have the specific "oxidizers" of chlorite and chlorine dioxide destroying viruses, bacteria and protozoa.

NACLO is laboratory tested. 0.2 ml of NACLO per litre of water more than doubles the amount of dissolved oxygen. Best value for money
oxygen available.


I'm not sure if you are aware of other benefits of NACLO2. I'm using it for a few reasons: 1) to lower my body's pH; and 2) to prevent cold sore break outs. I've been taking 8-10 drops in and 8 oz glass of water twice to three times a day for the last 3 months and I have been without cold sores ever since. I had a small break out when I first started using it but it was expected based on the information I had because it forces the virus out at the beginning.

Thanks again, Don

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The Many Uses of NACLO2

Water Purification!

Great for overseas travellers

NACLO is typically very alkaline with a pH of 12 to 13 (in most cases should not be put directly on the skin without diluting it first). When diluted in a glass of water the pH drops from 12 - 13 down to about 8.6. Ed McCabe claims that this lowering of the pH in water causes the separation of chlorite ions and stabilised oxygen molecules (O2) from the sodium atoms. Tiny amounts of chlorine dioxide are also released. This reaction destroys microbes in the water (therefore NACLO would be good to carry when traveling overseas).

Ten drops in 500ml of mountain water can kill Guardia Lamblia in 2.5 minutes. Twenty drops per 4 litres of water is assumed usually enough to protect clean, long term storage water against Coliform disease bacteria.

Laboratory tests in Australia and the US have found that stabilised oxygen destroys a large range of pathogens including salmonella, cholera, giardia, E Coli, streptococcus, pseuclamonas and staphyloccus ayreus.

Immune Boost

Many people who use NACLO regularly report that their immune system seems stronger, and they do not succumb to general illness ie. colds. NACLO produces a general tonic and detoxification affect and gives an energy boost. Many athletes use oxygen products to boost performance.


Some people experience mild discomfort when using NACLO in the beginning. This is caused by the body commencing a detoxifying program and cleaning out the system. Symptoms (including loose bowels, skin rashes, mucous etc.) are a good sign that the body is commencing this detox program. These symptoms will subside after a few weeks.

Other uses

A drop on soaked cotton swab can be immediately applied to any insect bite (bees, wasps, mosquitoes, and fire ants). Put 20 drops in a quart of refrigerated milk and it will stay fresh for three to four weeks.

Can be used in douches, enemas, and colonic machines. Pets, and house plants, reportedly thrive on it, getting five drops per bowl, and race horse owners have used 60 drops per gallon on their horses.

Food Preservative

As a food preservative NACLO2 it is said to be unequaled. Ten drops per pint of oil halts rancidity from microbes in the oil. Salad bars and vegetables are sprayed or washed with it remain fresh longer (60 - 80 drops per gallon. Use repeatedly). All meats, fish and poultry remain odorless longer when treated with it.

Healthy Mouth

Place 2-3 drops on tooth brush to inhibit disease bacteria which causes tooth decay and gum damage. Add 10 drops in 60ml of water for a mouth wash. Swirl in mouth or gargle for 60 seconds.

Read "The Magic of Aerobic Oxygen" report by the Certified Herbologist, Brian Goulet.

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Other uses

A drop on a soaked cotton swab can be applied to any insect bite. 20 drops in a quart of milk will keep it fresh for 2 to 3 weeks. Can be used in douches, enemas, and colonic machines. Pets and house plants thrive on it. Excellent as a food preservative, fruits & vegetables washed/sprayed with 60 drops per gallon remain fresh longer.

Many people who use NACLO regularly report that their immune system seems stronger, and they do not succumb to general illness ie. colds. NACLO produces a general tonic and detoxification affect and gives an energy boost. Many athletes use oxygen products to boost performance.

Some people experience mild discomfort when using NACLO in the beginning. This is caused by the body commencing a detoxifying program and cleaning out the system. Symptoms (including loose bowels, skin rashes, mucous etc.) are a good sign that the body is commencing this detox program. These symptoms will subside after a few weeks.____________________________________________________________________

Taking NACLO2

1. Put required number of drops in half to full glass of water.

2. Take half to one hour after meals when stomach acid is at its highest.

3. Commence dosage at 5 drops twice daily. Gradually build up to 10 drops. If felt necessary dosage can be increased to 15-30 drops 2 to 3 times daily. And can safely be increased well beyond these amounts if there is a particular reason to oxygenate the bodily cells and detoxify anaerobic activity

All Prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and are converted automatically to your local currency.
Exchange Rates



Product + Postage to Australia
Product + Postage to NZ, Asia Pacific,
USA & Canada

Product + Postage to
Rest of the World

125 ml
with dropper
$25 AUD

Naclo2 - 125 ml + Postage to Australia

Naclo2 - 125 ml + Postage to
Middle East

Naclo2 - 125 ml + Postage to the
Rest of the World


Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage
by clicking this Link

Based on weight of 270g

Extra 60ml plastic dropper bottle $1.50 AUD each


200 ml Bottle

$45 AUD

Naclo2 - 200 ml + Postage to Australia

Naclo2 - 200 ml + Postage to Postage
Middle East

Naclo2 - 200 ml + Postage to Rest of the World

Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage
by clicking this Link

Based on weight of 490g

500 ml Bottle

$75 AUD

Naclo2 - 500 ml + Postage to Australia

Naclo2 - 500 ml + Postage to Postage USA/Canada/Middle East
Naclo2 - 500 ml + Postage to Rest of the World

Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage
by clicking this Link

Based on weight of 840g

1 Litre/1 Quart Bottle

$129 AUD

Naclo2 - 1 Litre/1Quart + Postage to Australia

Naclo2 - 1 Litre/1Quart + Postage to Postage USA/Canada/Middle East
Naclo2 - 1 Litre/1 Quart + Postage to Rest of the World

Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage
by clicking this Link

Based on weight of 1680g

2 Litre/1 Quart Bottle

$219 AUD

Naclo2 - 2 Litres/2 Quarts + Postage to Australia
Naclo2 - 2 Litres/2 Quarts+ Postage to Postage USA/Canada/Middle East
Naclo2 - 2 Litres/2 Quarts + Postage to Rest of the World

Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage
by clicking this Link

Based on weight of 3360g

All Prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and are converted automatically to your local currency.
Exchange Rates


Easy to use, already diluted oxygen in a spray bottle. Spray on bug bites, skin irritations, in throat, on toothbrush, 2 or 3 sprays in drinks.
For travellers, spray in water, on food, good for high altitudes & jet lag – anywhere extra oxygen is instantly needed.

For sports people, a few sprays in drinking water or throat before or during exercise. Safe for children to use.

+ Postage to Australia

Total $17

+ Postage
NZ, Asia Pacific, USA & Canada
+ Postage
to the
Rest of the World


Use this Link for
Multiple Products/Combined Postage Only!

And add Postage by clicking this Link
Based on weight of 220g

Colloidal Books by Tonita d'Raye

The Oxygen Answer - 24 pages - $6 - 10g

  FREE Postage if you add this book with another order, otherwise, please add postage below

Colloidal Minerals - 16 pages - $6 - 10g

FREE Postage if you add this book with another order, otherwise, please add postage below

Colloidal Silver - 12 pages - $6 - 10g

FREE Postage if you add this book with another order, otherwise, please add postage below

Postage Australia
0 - 250g = $3

New Zealand & Asia Pacific
USA/Canada/Middle East
0 - 250g = $5
Rest of the World

0 - 250g = $7

For more information about Naclo2/MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)
here's a link to download Part 1 of Jim Humble's book
"Breakthrough - The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century"

And go here for more free articles, videos etc., from the late Jim Humble

Colloidal Ocean Minerals,
Colloidal Gold, Silver & Copper

Multiple Product Postage Charges

Add the weights of each item together
to determine the total postage charges

Postage Australia 0 - 250g = $5
Postage Australia 251g - 499g = $7
Postage Australia 501g - 1kg = $10
Postage Australia 1.1kg - 3kg = $14 
Postage Australia 3kg - 4kg = $20 
Postage Australia Each addtl. kg add $5

International Shipping via Air
(7-10 days)
New Zealand &
Asia Pacific

Middle East

Rest of the World
0 - 250g = $10
0 - 250g = $11
0 - 250g = $15

251g - 499g= $16

251g - 499g = $18

251g - 499g = $25

501g - 750g = $22.00
501g - 750g = $31
501g - 750g = $32
751g - 999g = $26.00
751g - 999g = $37
751g - 999g = $40
1.1 kg - 1.25 kg = $30
1.1 kg - 1.25 kg = $43
1.1 kg - 1.25 kg = $45
1.26kg - 1.50 kg = $35
1.26kg - 1.50 kg = $50
1.26kg - 1.50 kg = $55
1.51kg - 1.75 kg = $50
1.51kg - 1.75 kg = $56
1.51kg - 1.75 kg = $70
1.75kg - 2 kg = $55
1.75kg - 2 kg = $62
1.75kg - 2 kg = $75
2.1kg - 2.5 kg = $60
2.1kg - 2.5 kg = $70
2.1kg - 2.5 kg = $80
2.51kg - 3 kg = $65
2.51kg - 3 kg = $77
2.51kg - 3 kg = $85
3.1kg - 3.5 kg = $70
3.1kg - 3.5 kg = $84
3.1kg - 3.5 kg = $90
each extra 500g add $6
each extra 500g add $8
each extra 500g add $10

Co-Create Heaven on Earth!

Colloidal Ocean Minerals, Colloidal Silver & Copper

Exchange Rates

All Prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and are converted automatically to your local currency. To figure what a purchase will cost you in your national dollar, go here: Exchange Rate Calculator

Delivery Time
Please allow 5-10 days for domestic delivery. 10-14 days for international air.
If there is going to be a delay because I am out of stock or out of town, you will be notified.
Thank you for your support and patience.

Proper levels of oxygen in your body is essential to your cellular and overall health.

No disease can exist in an oxygen rich environment!

All disease, viruses, parasites..., are anaerobic or thrive in an oxygen depleted environment. Oxygen deficiency plays an important part in cellular contamination because oxygen is a powerful detoxifier.

“It is safe to say that stabilized oxygen is one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical history”. Investigations have not found an anaerobic (without oxygen) disease, infection or putrefaction where the causal bacteria are not killed by oxygen!

"We can look at Oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."
(This research is confirmed by Nobel prizewinner Professor Otto Warburg)

Thorough investigations into the use of NACLO and other brands of stabilized oxygen since the 1950's have failed to reveal any disadvantages or unwanted side effects.

NACLO2 has been measured as containing 22,000 parts per million (ppm) of oxygen (10% weight by volume), (tap water contains 7-12ppm of oxygen molecules).