Candidates taking the 70-687 Configuring Windows 8 exam must be knowledgeable in the following topics; install and upgrade to Windows 8, configure hardware and applications, configure network continuity, configure access to resources, configure remote access and mobility, monitor and maintain Windows clients, and configure backup and recovery options. Each of these topics will have sub tasks and objectives that candidates must be familiar with and they can learn about these by studying the exam guide on the Windows site. In order to acquire the needed knowledge it is recommended that candidates take the five day course; Configuring Windows 8. This course will greatly increase a candidate's chances of passing the exam. They should also make the Training Guide: Configuring Windows 8 part of their preparation.
Once candidates pass the exam the credit can be applied towards the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: Windows 8. This will get them into the positions of being a consultant, full-time desk support technician, or an IT generalist that administers Windows 8 based computers and devices as part of the technical responsibilities. There is a facts and questions section on the exam guide that can familiarize candidates with the testing formats, learn the most effective way to prepare, the time limit for the exam, the number of questions, and many other frequently asked questions.